Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Hopes in My Life

Everyone has different hopes. Hope is willpower and way power that you have for your goal. I think, hope is almost similar with goal. But hope is desire that to be achieved in the near future, while for goal is the last desire. I have so many hopes in my life. If I make a list of my hopes, I will make so many pages to write them. Because almost everyday will be there is of my new hope. Nevertheless, this time I will make a list and will mention them based on period which I will achieve. Because of my hopes are very much, so I just write the greatest of my hopes that there is in my mind right now.

The hopes in my life are . . .

First, I graduate from Gunadarma University on time and the value of IP and IPK is 3,85.

Second, I became a civil servant with salary of 10 million per month, and have a job field for other people (entrepreneur).

Third, three years again I have had a new Toyota Yaris.

Fourth, i am going to go around the world. First, i'm going to go to Japan in the near term.

Fifth, i wanna finance my mother to do Umroh at Makkah.

Sixth, at the age of 27th, I married with a man whose personality and his brain like Mr. Bj. Habibie.

And the last, but not the end … I live happily with my family in a mansion house.

I think those are the several of my hopes which there is in my mind right now. Therefore, I said, the last but not the end. Because, as time goes there will be so many the new hope again. I am a big dreamer, so I will never stop hoping to Allah SWT for realizing my hopes. I just hope to Allah SWT, because Allah SWT is rich. I am really really believe, if we hope in God, God willing everything will come true. 

The Fifth Article
Name  : Meta Puspita Sari
NPM  : 14611442
Class  : 2Sa04

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