Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

4th Assignment of Computer-Aided Translation


Structural Strategies in Translation

      There are three basic strategies that relate to a structural problem in translation, namely:

·         Addition

    Addition is adding words within a target language. This kind of addition is not a choice, but a compulsion.

·         Reduction
     Reduction means that there is an alleviation of a structural element within a target language. As well as the addition, reduction is also a compulsory strategy. 

·         Transposition
    Transposition is a compulsion because the meaning of source language cannot be conveyed without this strategy. Transposition becomes a choice if it is undertaken because of stylistic reason only. By employing this strategy, a translator changes an original structure of a source language within a target language to obtain an equivalent effect of both languages. This change can be a change in the form of plural to singular, position of adjective, until the change of sentence structure as a whole. Separation of one sentence in a source language into two or more sentences within a target language, or integration of two or more sentences of the source language into one sentence within the target language also include in this strategy.

      Transposition can also be undertaken because of language style or stylistic consideration.

       Name  : Meta Puspitasari
       NPM   : 14611442
       Class   : 4Sa04

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

3rd Assignment of Computer-Aided Translation


Strategi Struktural dalam Penerjemahan
Ada tiga strategi dasar yang berkenaan dangan masalah struktur, yaitu:
-          Penambahan
Penambahan di sini adalah penambahan kata-kata di dalam bahasa sasaran. Penambahan jenis ini bukanlah masalah pilihan tetapi kaharusan.
-          Pengurangan
Pengurangan artinya adanya pengurangan elemen structural di dalam bahasa sasaran. Seperti halnya penambahan, pengurangan ini merupakan keharusan.
-          Transposisi
Transposisi adalah suatu keharusan apabila tanpa strategi ini makna bahasa sumber tidak tersampaikan. Transposisi menjadi pilihan apabila dilakukan hanya karena alasan gaya bahasa saja. Dengan strategi ini penerjemah mengubah struktur asli bahasa sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran untuk mencapai efek yang padan. Pengubahan ini bisa pengubahan bentuk jamak ke bentuk tunggal, posisi kata sifat, sampai pengubahan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan. Pemisahan satu kalimat bahasa sumber menjadi dua kalimat bahasa sasaran atau lebih, atau penggabungan dua kalimat bahasa sumber atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat bahasa sasaran juga termasuk di dalam strategi ini.
Transposisi juga bisa dilakukan karena pertimbangan gaya bahasa atau stilistika.

B. TARGET LANGUAGE (May 4th, 2015):

The structural strategy of translation

            There are three basic strategies that relate to the structure of translation. They are:

-          Addition
Addition is the adding of the words within the target language. This kind of addition translation is not a matter of choice but it is a must.

-          Reduction
Reduction means that there is a reduction of structural element in the target language. As well as the addition, this reduction is a must.

-          Transposition
Transposition is a must, if the translation is without this strategy, the meaning of the source language cannot be delivered. Transposition becomes a choice if it is undertaken because of the stylistic reason only. Relating to this strategy, the translator changes the original structure of the source language in the target language to achieve the commensurate of effect. This change can be the change of from the plural to singular, adjective position, to the change of full sentence structure.

            The Structural Strategy in Translation

            There are three basic strategies that relate to the structural problem in translation, namely:

-          Addition
Addition is the adding of words within the target language. This kind of addition is not a choice, but a must.

-          Reduction
Reduction means that there is a reduction of structural element within the target language. It is the same as addition strategy, reduction is also a must.

-         Transposition
     Transposition is a must because the meaning of the source language cannot be conveyed without this strategy. Transposition becomes a choice if it is undertaken because of stylistic reason only. With relating to this strategy, the translator changes the original structure of the source language within the target language to obtain the equivalent effect. This change can be a change in the form of plural to singular, the position of adjective, until the change of sentence structure as a whole. The separation of one sentence in the source language into two or more sentences in the target language, or the integration of two or more sentences of the source language into one sentence in the target language also include in this strategy. 
Transposition can also be done because of language style or stylistic consideration.

Name  : Meta Puspitasari
NPM   : 14611442
Class   : 4Sa04

Jumat, 01 Mei 2015

Jangan Gunakan "Times New Roman" Saat Mengetik Lamaran Kerja!

Times New Roman mungkin adalah salah satu jenis huruf paling klasik di dunia, tetapi tak berarti ia adalah yang paling bertuah, khususnya saat Anda menulis lamaran kerja.

Baru-baru ini Bloomberg mewawancarai sejumlah pakar typography tentang jenis-jenis huruf yang paling manjur untuk menarik perhatian perusahaan pemberi kerja. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa Times New Roman dinilai cukup elegan, tetapi berkesan tidak berjiwa petualang dan menjemukan.

Menggunakan Times New Roman untuk surat lamaran, kata Brian Hoff, direktur kreatif pada Brian Hoff Design, sama seperti "mengenakan celana olahraga" saat wawancara kerja.

Senasib dengan Times New Roman adalah Courier dan Comic Sans. Keduanya dinilai sama-sama membosankan. Comic Sans bahkan akan diabaikan oleh pencari kerja, "kecuali Anda melamar sebagai badut kampus," tambah Hoff.

Di antara tipe-tipe huruf favorit, Helvetica adalah yang paling disarankan untuk digunakan saat mengetik lamaran kerja.

"Font itu sangat cantik," kata Matt Luckhurst, direktur kreatif pada perusahaan konsultan Collins

Bulan lalu situs Business News Daily (BND) menerbitkan daftar jenis huruf yang sebaiknya digunakan untuk mengetik lamaran kerja.

"Karena pemberi kerja hanya membaca lamaran Anda selama beberapa detik, maka gunakanlah font yang secara estetika menyenangkan dan bisa seketika menarik perhatian pemberi kerja," kata Wendi Weiner penulis lamaran kerja bersertifikat dan pendiri The Writing Guru.

"Daftar riwayat hidup Anda harus disusun dengan menarik, dengan judul yang menonjol," umbuh Weiner.

BND memilih Calibri, Garamond, Georgia, dan Trebuchet MS sebagai huruf-huruf terbaik untuk mengetik lamaran. Dalam daftar yang sama, Times New Roman dipuji sebagai huruf yang bersih dan mudah dibaca. Tetapi juga dinilai sebagai simbol orang yang "membosankan dan kurang berimajinasi". (The Huffington Post)


Kamis, 30 April 2015

2nd Assignment of Computer-Aided Translation


1.      SDL


·     SDL can translate from Indonesian to English grammatically. We can see in the picture below that SDL translates from Indonesian “Rumahnya sangat mewah” into English “Her house is very luxiorious.” SDL does not translate Indonesian to English word for word. SDL translates by adding the auxiliary verb “is” in the English sentence, so the sentence is grammatically correct in English.

·          Passive sentence in Indonesia is still translated grammatically into English. SDL still follow the pattern of passive sentence in English (be + V3).

·         SDL provides a feature in which we can attach a file that would like to be translated. You just choose a document that you want to be translated (maximum file size 5MB), and the SDL will download your file(s) then translates them. Although the context in the file is too long, the file will be translated with no extra time, so you can download the result of the translation as soon as possible.


·     SDL still has a limitation in translating a long text. The result of translation by SDL has not had the accurate translation yet. The quality of translation depends on the length of a text. The shorter a text is the better of the result. It can be seen in the picture below that SDL machine translation creates many mistakes in translating a long text. The results of the translation still need to be edited.

2.        Ginger


·      Ginger offers great English corrections: Grammar checker.

·        Ginger can define a word. This feature ease us to know the definition of difficult words, so we are not doubt about the meaning of the word  if the word is translated into the target language.

  • Ginger offers a feature “Phrase of the Day”, so we can rich our knowledge on some English phrases and the meaning of the phrases. You just click one of the phrases that you want, then Ginger will give the explanation of the phrase and give the example of sentence by using the phrase.

 ·      Ginger offers feature “Synonyms.” You can easily get the synonym of a word just to click this feature, so it can rich your vocabulary.


 ·        We can change the setting of the English that we want. Which one do you like, US or UK English?

·   Ginger can paraphrase your sentence because Ginger has feature “Sentence Rephraser.” You can choose the other ways of writing your original text.

  • Ginger works in Microsoft Office and browsers. 

  • Ginger has nice design.


·       Although ginger has a feature “Grammar Checker”, the result cannot be fully justified. Besides, this feature does not work in Ginger tools, you can only use it via browser.

3.         Systran

            Unfortunately, I cannot try how Systran works because there is no option to translate the word (s), sentence, or clause from English into Bahasa Indonesia and vice versa. Pardon my stupidity, I do not have any skill in using all of the target languages provided by systranet.com, so I do not know whether Systran makes a good translation in translating one language to another or not.

4.        Wordbee

      Unfortunately, I could not operate this application because I got difficulty while I were downloading this software. However, relating to some articles on Wordbee, I can conclude that Wordbee is a platform that supports translators, translation agencies or corporations with translating files of various formats. For example, you can translate web pages without having to understand HTML. Translation agencies that work with in-house staff and/or external translators will benefit from easy-to-use tools to distribute work internally and externally. In more technical terms, Wordbee combines professional CAT functionality and translation project management into one single workspace. You can use translation memories and terminology databases to speed up translation and ensure consistent use of terminology.

  5.        Trados

          Please pardon my mistake. Again, I could not operate this software. However, I try to make summarize from the articles on Trados. Trados is most likely regarded as a computer-aided translation software, which combines automatic translation and human translation. It works with a database called translation memory, storing the terminology that has been used, as well as the source and target pairs of text segments. Therefore, when the same or similar sentence appears in the document, Trados will automatically match the source and target text. Translators do not need to retranslate the work that they have already completed. For the repetitions, Trados can show the translation that the translator has done so he/she can follow his/her previous translation segments; for similar text segments, translator can revise and edit based on the translated segments.

Name  : Meta Puspitasari
NPM   : 14611442
Class   : 4Sa04

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Tugas 1 - Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer #


Destinations to visit just beyond New York City

Just an hour from the Big Apple you'll find picture-perfect towns, pretty landscapes and historic monuments. The shopping, the shows, the perfectly manicured parks, the coffee shops and restaurants that stay open thrillingly late are what define New York. That said, it’s not called the city that never sleeps for nothing, and sometimes all that hubbub – from the taxis that view pedestrians as a minor inconvenience to the neon onslaught of Times Square – can be overwhelming.

So for a little calm, we went upstate to the Hudson Valley, which stretches from Manhattan’s West Side to the state capital at Albany and beyond. Crossing the George Washington Bridge (the view from here is amazing) we veered briefly into New Jersey, heading north, past the suburbs of Westchester, the West Point military academy and scattered locales with names recalling early Dutch settlers. One of the earliest areas to be settled by Europeans in the 17th century, the Hudson Valley stood at the forefront of American trade and the advance westward. Today it’s known as an area of genuine natural splendour; dense forest with looming mountains and clear water below.

Just an hour from Manhattan by car or train (the Metro North from Grand Central station follows this route) was the tiny riverside town of Cold Spring, immortalised by 19th Century landscape painters from the Hudson River School, and as picture perfect a pastoral scene as those canvases make out. The town is all clapboard houses and coffee shops and antiques stores in which to while away the time. Hardly a hub of activity, but an ideal spot to take in the gorgeous landscape, which includes the Catskill Mountains – of Dirty Dancing fame – across the water. This part of the Hudson is ideal for cyclists, hikers, watersports lovers and wildlife-spotters especially at Bear Mountain State Park. We headed further upstate, towards Hyde Park, a place, it transpired, on a par with its namesake in London.


Tempat tujuan saat mengunjungi indahnya Kota New York
Hanya satu jam dari Big Apple kamu akan menemukan gambaran kota-kota yang menakjubkan, pemandangan yang indah, dan monumen-monumen bersejarah. Pusat perbelanjaan, tempat pertunjukan, taman yang terawat, kedai kopi, dan restoran yang tetap buka sampai larut malam adalah apa yang mendefinisikan Kota New York. Konon, kota itu disebut kota yang tidak pernah tidur, dan terkadang semua keriuhan itu—dari banyaknya taksi yang melihat pejalan kaki sebagai ketidaknyamanan kecil dari lampu yang menyinari Times Squaredapat menjadi luar biasa.

Menuju ke suasana yang sedikit tenang, kita pergi ke bagian utara Hudson Valley, yang membentang dari Manhattan’s West Side ke ibukota negara di Albany dan sekitarnya. Menyeberangi Jembatan George Washington (pemandangan dari sini sangat menakjubkan) kami berbelok ke New Jersey, menuju utara, melewati pinggiran Westchester, akademi militer West Point dan daerah-daerah yang tersebar dengan nama-nama untuk mengenang hunian pertama kali para imigran Belanda. Salah satu daerah yang pertama kali didiami oleh orang-orang Eropa pada abad ke-17, Hudson Valley merupakan pusat perdagangan Amerika dan kemajuan Amerika sebelah barat. Saat ini tempat itu dikenal sebagai daerah yang memiliki keindahan alam sesungguhnya; hutan lebat dengan gunung-gunung yang menjulang tinggi dan air bersih di bawahnya.

Hanya satu jam dari Manhattan, dapat dijangkau dengan mobil atau kereta api (kereta Metro North dari stasiun Grand Central mengikuti rute ini) adalah kota kecil tepi sungai Cold Spring, diabadikan oleh para pelukis pemandangan alam di abad ke-19 yang berasal dari Hudson River School, dan sebagai gambaran sempurna dari pemandangan kehidupan desa yang dibuat di atas kanvas. Di kota ini kita dapat mengisi waktu dengan mengunjungi rumah papan, kedai kopi dan toko barang-barang antik. Walaupun tempat ini menjadi pusat kegiatan, namun tempat ini tetap menjadi tempat yang ideal untuk mengambil gambar pemandangan yang sangat indah, yang mana termasuk pemandangan di Pegunungan Catskill—Dirty Dancing yang sangat terkenal—di atas air. Daerah bagian Hudson ini sangat cocok untuk pengendara sepeda, pendaki gunung, pecinta olahraga air dan para pemburu satwa liar terutama di Bear Mountain State Park. Selanjutnya kita menuju ke bagian utara, menuju Taman Hyde, sebuah tempat, yang namanya seperti nama tempat di London.

Name    : Meta Puspitasari
NPM     : 14611442
Class     : 4sa04

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Pengalaman pertama ke Periplus

Menjelang skripsi, jadwal hang out di perpustakaan semakin padat. Karena udah semester 8, tentunya jadwal kuliah pun udah agak merenggang. Tapi sayangnya, cuma jadwal masuk kuliah aja yang renggang, tapi badan gue enggak. Gue belum bisa merenggangkan badan gue karena buuuanyaknya tugas dari dosen dan tuntutan untuk buat skripsi. Tentu kepercayaan yang diberikan rektor kampus untuk buat skripsi gak akan gue sia-sia in. Karena sedikit berbeda dengan kampus-kampus lain di Indonesia, kampus gue tuh punya peraturan sendiri dalam hal penulisan skripsi. Di jurusan gue, (Sastra Inggris) SK (Surat Keputusan) untuk penulisan skripsi hanya diberikan pada mahasiswa/i yang IPK nya minimal 3.0, sedangkan untuk jurusan IT min 3,25, jurusan psikologi min 3,30, dan jurusan-jurusan lainnya yang gue belum tahu standar minimal IPK untuk dapet SK Skripsi. Mengingat hal itu, of course, I'll do anything for my thesis. Beberapa kampus yang ada jurusan Sastra Inggris nya gue datengin, termasuk salah satunya adalah kampus UNJ.

Pagi-pagi gue ke kampus UNJ sama my classmates, Rahmah dan Mita. Perjalanan kesana kita naik bus TransJakarta (naik TrasnJakarta ya guys, jangan bilang naik busway). Sampe di kampus UNJ kita langsung cus ke perpustakaan jurusan bahasa Inggrisnya yang terpisah dari perpustakaan pusat. Sayangnya, gue dan classmates ga dapet contoh skripsi dan buku-buku yang kita mau di sana. Alhasil, kita disana ga bertahan lama. Bagi kalian yang mau ke perpus UNJ, perpustakaan disana letaknya kurang strategis, ada di lantai 2 di gedung sebelah perpustakaan pusat. Lebih baik kalian tanya sama mahasiswa yang ada disana biar gak bingung. Masuk ke perpus nya tuh sederhana aja. Lo buka pintu nya dulu biar bisa masuk, terus titipin tas lo di loker, dan lo udah bisa langsung baca-baca buku atau skripsi disana. Buat yang mau liat contoh skripsi tentang linguistik, disini masih lumayan banyak tapi buat yang mau skripsi tentang sastra, kayaknya lebih lengkap di perpustakaan UI. Sedangkan masukan untuk yang lagi cari buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan bahasa, lo lebih baik ke perpustakaan Atmajaya di Semanggi. Disana lengkap banget buku-bukunya. Recommended!!! Eh, kok gue gak promosiin perpustakaan kampus gue ya? hahaha. Sebenernya bukan gak mau rekomedasiin perpustakaan kampus gue, cuma dosen-dosen gue bilang kalo perpus Gunadarma yang paling lengkap tuh di kampus H Depok. Itu lokasi nya jauh banget dari rumah gue, jadi gue belum menyempatkan diri buat kesana, makanya ga rekomendasiin. wkwk

Perasaan, judulnya tentang pengalaman ke Periplus tapi kok daritadi gak cerita yah. Back to topic..Gue balik dari UNJ langsung cus ke Kelapa Gading. Mau ngapain gue kesana? Jawabnya: gue mau ke Mall Kelapa Gading. Cieeee ke mall, pasti mau belanja ya? Dengan tegas, gue jawab: Gak lah, gue mau ke toko buku keleuuss (sok banget jawabnya) haha. Sebenernya sih gue mau temenin temen gue Rahmah cari novel versi bahasa Inggris buat bahan skripsi nya. Berarti bukan gue ya yang cari buku. Sampe mall nya kita langsung ke MKG 3. Menurut informasi dari temen sekelas, disitu ada toko buku yang nyediain banyak buku-buku berbahasa Inggris. Nama toko nya Periplus. Letaknya itu di MKG 3, Lantai 1, depan Food Hall, sebelah toko kaset (ini balasan sms dari orang yang kasi info letak toko Periplus saat temen gue Rahmah sms dia).

Sampe lah gue di Periplus, dan gue seneng banget tau toko ini. Di periplus banyak buanget novel-novel best seller versi bahasa Inggris. Buat kalian anak sastra yang cari novel berbahasa Inggris, ini tempat recommended. Dan yang lebih menariknya lagi, kalo lo mau novel tapi novel yang lo mau gak ada di periplus MKG, komputer milik periplus bisa langsung terhubung dengan periplus yang ada di Senayan atau pusatnya, dan kalo novel/buku yang lu mau tersedia disana, lo langsung bisa pesan dan tuh buku langsung dikirim ke rumah lo. Siapa yang ngirim? Mas-mas periplus? Hellooo, ya enggak lah, itu sih mau nya elo. haha. Yang ngirim tetap mas-mas kok (buat yang cewe), tenang aja. Tapi mas-mas TIKI. hehehe..

Saat pemesanan buku, lo tinggal pilih buku yang lo mau di komputer, registrasi nama & alamat, pilih mau di kirim via apa (TIKI, dkk), lalu kalo udah oke langsung bayar di kasir. Keunggulan nya lagi belanja buku di periplus, harganya tuh lebih murah dari pada Gramedia. Lo juga cuma dikenain biaya Rp.7500 buat ongkir nya kalo lo pake jasa TIKI. Sedikit cerita: waktu itu temen gue cari novel judul "Carrie" yang versi bahasa Inggris nya udah gak ada di Gramedia karena itu novel udah terbit lama. It turned out, di periplus masi sedia novel lama juga. Enak bukan? apalagi kalo kalian yang mau cari novel buat bahan skripsi. Jadi sedikit terbantu dengan kehadiran toko buku Periplus ini. Kenapa gue jadi promosi ya? Sumpah gue gak dibayar sepeser pun buat promosiin toko buku Periplus. Yauda, sekian dulu pengalaman gue ke periplus. Sekarang waktunya fokus skripsi lagi. See you

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

The Analysis of Prepositions

Prepositions are words that link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. Prepositions fall into four categories. They are time, direction, location, and position prepositions. Besides, prepositions are sometimes so closely linked to other words that they almost act as one single word. This is the case when prepositions are used alongside certain nouns, adjectives and verbs. This time I try to find out and analyze the use of prepositions in an article which is entitled Cameron backs Pickles’ letter to Muslim leaders. The analysis of prepositions will be discussed below:
Cameron backs Pickles’ letter
to Muslim leaders

David Cameron has said it was right for Eric Pickles to write a letter to Muslim leaders in which he asked them to “explain and demonstrate how faith in Islam can be part of British identity”. In a letter sent to more than 1,000 Islamic leaders, Pickles stressed that he was proud of the way Muslims in Britain had responded to the Paris terror attacks, but said there was more work to do in rooting out extremists and preventing young people from being radicalised.
In the letter, co-signed by the Muslim peer and communities minister Lord Ahmad, Pickles said radicalism “cannot be solved from Whitehall alone” and stressed that everyone had a responsibility to fight extremism. The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) raised objections to their community being singled out. But Cameron said the letter clearly showed that Pickles was saying “British Muslims make a great contribution to our country and that what is happening in relation to extremist terror has nothing to do with the true religion of Islam and is being perverted by a minority that is being radicalised”.
“Everyone needs to help with dealing with this problem of radicalisation and anyone frankly reading this letter and who has a problem with it, I think really has a problem. I think it is the most reasonable, sensible, moderate letter that Eric could possibly have written. “All of us have a responsibility to try and confront this radicalisation, and make sure we stop young people being drawn into this poisonous, fanatical death cult that a very small minority of people have created.”
In the letter Pickles wrote: “You, as faith leaders, are in a unique position in our society. You have a precious opportunity, and an important responsibility, in explaining and demonstrating how faith in Islam can be part of British identity.” Harun Khan, deputy secretary general of the MCB, said: “Is Mr Pickles seriously suggesting, as do members of the far right, that Muslims and Islam are inherently apart from British society?”
He said he was writing back to Pickles to demand an explanation for the apparent assumptions made. The letter continued: “We believe together we have an opportunity to demonstrate the true nature of British Islam today. There is a need to lay out more clearly than ever before what being a British Muslim means today: proud of your faith and proud of your country. We know that acts of extremism are not representative of Islam, but we need to show what is.
“We must show our young people, who may be targeted, that extremists have nothing to offer them. We must show them that there are other ways to express disagreement, that their right to do so is dependent on the very freedoms that extremists seek to destroy. “We must show them the multitude of statements of condemnation from British Muslims, show them these men of hate have no place in our mosques or any place of worship, and that they do not speak for Muslims in Britain or anywhere in the world.
“Let us assure you that the government will do all we can to defeat the voices of division, but ultimately the challenges of integration and radicalisation cannot be solved from Whitehall alone. Strong community-based leadership at a local level is needed.”
The letter said: “British values are Muslim values”, and the country would be diminished without Islam and its “message of peace and unity”. “Every day, mosques and other faith institutions across the country are providing help for those in need, and acting as a centre for our communities. It is these positive contributions that are the true messages of faith and it is these contributions that need to be promoted.”
Ahmad said the MCB’s response was disappointing, adding that perhaps Khan was not clear about what the letter said. “The letter could not have been more explicit” that the government regarded Muslims as part of British society, Ahmad said, adding the letter was designed to reassure the Muslim community. He insisted the best way to deal with the language of hate was education and a coming together.
“This was about reassurance, it was about recognising, as [the home secretary] Theresa May said only yesterday, that a Britain without Muslims, a Britain without Jews, Hindus, would not be the Britain we want to see,” he said on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday. Lord Sacks, the former chief rabbi, said he could understand the reason Muslim leaders might be asking why the government was putting the blame on the community when radicalised Islam was a global phenomenon transmitted by the internet and social media.
He said he was sure the letter was well intentioned, but it “suggested the Muslim community within Britain contained its own radicals, and the truth is that Islamism, like all modern global political movements, is actually a global phenomenon transmitted by the internet and transmitted by social media, so I would be surprised if the Muslim community did not say: ‘You are asking of us something that is not actually under our control.” But he said he did not believe the Muslim community had done enough to ensure the teaching in its schools and mosques emphasised the need to integrate with British society in the same way as the Jewish community had in the 19th century.
Explaining how much had been done to integrate Jewish society in the UK through teaching in seminaries, he said: “I don’t think that has been done with other ethnic minority communities. Radicalised imams have in the past been preaching a message of hate.”
He admitted that fear of attacks in the Jewish community was “at an all-time high so far as my lifetime is concerned. At the same time the most recent survey shows the overwhelming number of Jews here feel safe and Britain remains one of the most tolerant societies on Earth.” He insisted the Jewish community was well prepared and things were under control.
News of the letter emerged as the Metropolitan police announced that it had increased security around its buildings and bolstered the number of firearms officers available. May also promised to increase the government’s efforts to tackle the terrorist threat and a “chilling” rise in antisemitism.


1.        ....he asked them to “explain and demonstrate how faith in Islam can be part of British identity. (paragraph 1, line 2)

-      The preposition “in” in the sentence above is used to indicate a belief à in Islam
-      The noun “part” has particular preposition which normally follow it, that is, the preposition “of” à part of

2.    ...Pickles stressed that he was proud of  the way Muslims in Britain...(paragraph 1, line 4)
-     The adjective “proud” has particular preposition which normally follow it, that is, the preposition “of” à proud of
-      “in” denotes preposition of location or place à in Britain

3.    ...Pickles said radicalism “cannot be solved from Whitehall alone”... (paragraph 2, line 2)
-      “Solved from” are verb and preposition. If we use the verb “solve”and a preposition after it, we should use the preposition “from” because “solve from” is a sequence verb and preposition which are normally used.

4.    ...that their right to do so is dependent on the very freedoms...(paragraph 6, line 3)

-      dependent on” are adjective and preposition. "dependent" is normally paired of the preposition "on"

5.    ...that they do not speak for Muslims in Britain or anywhere in the world. (paragraph 6, line 6)

-      in” denotes preposition of location or place.

6.    Every day, mosques and other faith institutions across the country are providing help for those in need (paragraph 8, line 3)

-      “across” in the sentence above is a preposition not an adverb. It is because “across” is followed by noun “the country”. “across” in here denotes preposition of direction.

7.    ....he said on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday. (paragraphh 10, line 3)

-      on” denotes preposition of time à on Monday

8.    ...why the government was putting the blame on the community...(paragraph 10, line 5)


-     The “the blame on” are article + noun + preposition. We can see that "the community" is the object of preposition. Hence, it is obvious that "on" in the sentence above functions as preposition. Then, the word "blame" is usually paired of the preposition "on" if we would like to use a preposition after it.

9.    You are asking of us something that is not actually under our control. (paragraph 11, line 5)

-      “under” denotes preposition of position.

10.  .... the Jewish community had in the 19th century. (paragraph 11, line 8)
-      “in” denotes preposition of time.
11.  Explaining how much had been done to integrate Jewish society in the UK through teaching... (paragraph 12, line 1)
-      “in” denotes preposition of place or location à in the UK
-      “through” denotes preposition of direction.

12.  At the same time the most recent survey shows the overwhelming number of Jews...(paragraph 13, line 2)

-      “at” denotes preposition of time.
-    “number of” are noun and preposition. The noun “number” has particular preposition which normally follow it, that is, the preposition “of.”

13.  ...that it had increased security around its buildings....(paragraph 14, line 2)

-     The preposition “around” in the sentence above indicates the central part that the security had increased à around its buildingsIt means that the preposition "around" denotes preposition of direction.