Rabu, 20 November 2013

Tips Mengerjakan Skripsi

1.     Pastikan tempat Anda mengerjakan skripsi bersih dari debu dan kotoran. Tempat yang bersih membuat Anda merasa nyaman dan pikiran menjadi lebih jernih.

2.     Jangan mengerjakan di tempat yang ramai alias berisik. Pilihlah tempat yang tenang dan sejuk seperti kamar atau perpustakaan.

3.     Hindari mengerjakan skripsi bersama teman Anda yang suka mengobrol atau curhat. Sebab waktu Anda akan tersita mendengarkan obrolan dan curhatnya yang berarti membuat waktu Anda dalam menyelesaikan skripsi. Hindari juga teman yang suka menguap dan mengantuk karena percaya atau tidak, ketika melihat ia mengantuk Anda pun akan ikut mengantuk.

4.     Pastikan sebelum mengerjakan skripsi perut Anda bebas dari rasa lapar. Makanlah makanan yang tidak membuat perut bergejolak seperti pedas, asem. Hindari juga makanan mengandung garam atau MSG karena akan membuat Anda merasa haus sepanjang hari plus merepotkan Anda karena harus mondar-mandir ke toilet.

5.     Sambil mengerjakan skripsi, dengarkanlah lagu-lagu sedih. Percaya atau tidak, kenangan buruk seperti putus cinta dapat memberikan energi berlebih ketika Anda mengerjakan skripsi dibandingkan saat Anda jatuh cinta. Sebab patah hati membuat Anda ingin terus sibuk untuk melupakan kesedihan sedangkan jatuh cinta hanya akan membuat Anda terbuai dengan sang kekasih yang mengakibatkan skripsi Anda terlantar.

6.     Buatlah kerangka pemikiran setiap bab yang berisi apa saja yang ingin Anda tulis. Untuk bagian teori, masukkan saja semua teori yang terlintas dalam pikiran Anda dalam kerangka. Jangan lewatkan satu teori pun. Kemudian mulai lah pilah-pilah teori mana yang cocok dan tidak. Beri alasan mengapa Anda memilih teori itu dan beri alasan mengapa Anda mengeleminasinya.

7.     Seburuk apapun susunan kata Anda, tulis saja dulu dalam skripsi Anda. Pelan-pelan pembimbing Anda akan membantu Anda untuk merangkai kalimat yang sederhana namun indah dan tepat sasaran. Jika Anda merasa kesulitan dalam membuat kalimat, satu-satunya cara untuk dapat membuatnya mengalir adalah dengan banyak-banyak membaca buku.

8.     Jangan pernah berpikir bahwa pembimbing Anda tidak tahu apa-apa atau Anda lebih tahu banyak dari pembimbing Anda. Percayalah, ia jauh lebih berpengalaman dan berilmu dari Anda. Jika Anda merasa ia tidak tahu apa-apa dan terkesan mendiamkan Anda, itu tandanya ia sedang mengajari Anda untuk berpikir mandiri dan kritis. Ia ingin Anda mampu memecahkan permasalahan sendiri sebagai bekal setelah Anda lulus nanti dan menghadapi dunia luar yang lebih rumit. Setelah sidang skripsi, Anda kan mengerti sikap diam sang pembimbing dan akan berterima kasih padanya.

9.     Sesekali, tinggalkan skripsi Anda sementara. Pergilah bersenang-senang dengan teman-teman. Nonton film, main di Timezon, karaoke, pijat, pergi ke salon adalah beberap kegiatan yang dapat meringankan stres Anda.

10. Jangan larut sendirian dalam kegalauan skripsi Anda karena hal itu hanya membuat Anda semakin depresi. Berkumpul lah dengan teman-teman Anda yang juga sedang berjuang mengerjakan skripsi. Minta mereka membaca tulisan Anda dan mengomentarinya. Sebab terkadang kita tidak dapat melihat kelemahan skripsi sendiri sedangkan orang lain mampu melihatnya. Lakukan juga hal tersebut ke teman Anda, baca tulisannya dan berikan masukan padanya.

11. Jika Anda tinggal di tempat kos, sering-sering lah mengirimkan sms atau menelepon orangtua Anda. Minta doa restunya dan senangkan hatinya karena mendengar suara Anda. Doa orangtua untuk anaknya mendapat tempat khusus yang secepat kilat akan naik ke langit dan didengarkan Tuhan. Jika Anda tidak tinggal di kos dan tinggal di rumah bersama orangtua, sering-seringlah membuatkan minuman untuk mereka seperti jus, the, atau kopi. Ceritakan juga perkembangan skripsi Anda karena jauh dalam lubuk hati mereka juga turut galau memikirkan skripsi Anda.

12. Rutinlah berolahraga agar tubuh Anda terasa segar dan fit. Aktivitas mengerjakan skripsi yang hanya duduk sepanjang hari membuat tubuh Anda letih dan butuh peregangan. Lakukan peregangan ringan selama 5-10 menit ketika Anda baru bangun tidur. Jalan kaki, jogging, dan bersepeda adalah beberapa olahraga yang membuat Anda bugar kembali.

13. Selama mengerjakan skripsi, banyak-banyaklah bersedekah kepada fakir miskin. Hal itu akan membuat hati Anda terasa tentram dan lapang. Dan percayalah, Tuhan akan membalas kebaikan Anda berlipat ganda. Salah satunya dengan memudahkan Anda dalam mengerjakan skripsi serta diberikan kelancaran dalam berpikir.

14. Banyak-banyaklah berdoa dan beribadah kepada Tuhan. Sebab Ia lah yang Maha Memiliki Ilmu dan memohonlah agar diberi kemudahan dalam menerima ilmu dariNya.

15. Selalu berpikir dan berperasaan positif. Jika Anda percaya Anda bisa, maka Anda PASTI bisa! Percayalah pada diri Anda karena Anda adalah pribadi pilihan calon pemimpin bangsa. Jika saya bisa, mengapa Anda tidak? Semangat dan semoga sukses!!

Jakarta, 28 April 2011
Ranny Rastati
Alumni Sastra Jepang UI 2004
Mahasiswa Magister Ilmu Komunikasi UI 2009

Rabu, 13 November 2013

The five of my dream places in Japan

1.       Flower Paradise at Hitachi Seaside Park

            Hitachi Seaside Park, located in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan, next to the Ajigaura Beach, is a flower park and a popular tourist destination. The park covers an area of ​​3.5 hectares and the flowers are amazing all year round. Each season you will find a different variety of flower blossoming over the "Miharashi No Oka", a hill commanding a panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean. The park is particularly famous for blue nemophilas. Nemophilas are annual flowers with transparent blue petals. During spring, more than 4.5 million blue nemophilas bloom all over the park. The blooming period is called “Nemophilia Harmony” and attracts many visitors.

Aside from nemophilas, the park has about a million daffodils blooming amidst the pine trees, about 170 varieties of tulips and many other flowers. Filled with woods, gardens, a mini amusement area and cycling courses sprinkled throughout the park, Hitachi Seaside Park is a must-see for anyone venturing to Japan.

2.        Purple Wisteria

           The genus Wisteria is a woody climbing plant of the family Fabaceae. These species are called. Some of them are grown as ornamentals for their clusters of spring flowers and their thick foliage. Depending on the species and cultivars, the flowers are purple, blue or white. The length of inflorescences varies from 10 cm to one meter for Wisteria floribunda var. ‘Macrobotrys’. Some cultivars are fragrant and among them, there are cultivars such as ‘Rosea’ or ‘Jacko’. They are native to the United States, China and Japan. The seeds are poisonous. The best known species is the Wisteria sinensis, glycine in China, widely naturalized in Western Europe. There is also another common species: Wisteria floribunda or glycine Floramor.

3.       Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 12,388 feet (3,776 meters). The volcano’s exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers. t is one of Japan’s “Three Holy Mountains” along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. The volcano is currently classified as active with a low risk of eruption. The last recorded eruption was in 1708.

           A popular destination, an estimated 200,000 people climb Mount Fuji every year, 30% of whom are foreigners. The ascent can take anywhere between three and eight hours while the descent can take from two to five hours. The most-popular period for to hike up the mountain is from July to August, while climbing from October to May is strongly discouraged because of the severe cold weather.

4.       Tokyo Tower        

This is one of the best-known towers in the world. Made of prefabricated steel, Tokyo Tower is called light because it weighs only 4,000 metric tons. At a height of 1,092 feet (333 meters), it is the world’s tallest self-supporting steel tower. Since its opening in 1958, it has become well known to visitors around the world, not only as one of Tokyo’s popular sightseeing attractions, but also as the symbol of Tokyo as an international city. All of Tokyo’s nine television and four FM radio stations are transmitted throughout the entire metropolitan area from Tokyo Tower.

          Various gauges and instruments mounted on top of the tower monitor the condition of the air above Tokyo and the traffic conditions in the streets below. The lights of Tokyo Tower, suspending it beautifully in the night sky, are made up of 164 flood lights installed on the various parts of the tower.

5.        Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan)

           The National Museum is not only the largest and oldest museum in Japan, but it also boasts the largest collection of Japanese art in the world. This is where you go to see antiques from Japan's past -- old kimono, samurai armor, priceless swords, lacquerware, metalwork, pottery, scrolls, screens, ukiyo-e(woodblock prints), calligraphy, ceramics, archaeological finds, and more. Items are shown on a rotating basis with about 3,000 on display at any one time -- so no matter how many times you visit the museum, you'll always see something new. There are also frequent special exhibitions. Schedule at least 2 hours to do the museum justice.
The museum comprises five buildings. The Japanese Gallery (Honkan), straight ahead as you enter the main gate, is the most important one, devoted to Japanese art. Here you'll view Japanese ceramics; Buddhist sculptures dating from about A.D. 538 to 1192; samurai armor, helmets, and decorative sword mountings; swords, which throughout Japanese history were considered to embody spirits all their own; textiles and kimono; lacquerware; ceramics; and paintings, calligraphy, ukiyo-e, and scrolls. Be sure to check out the museum shop in the basement; it sells reproductions from the museum's collections as well as traditional crafts by contemporary artists.
The Asian Gallery (Toyokan) houses art and archaeological artifacts from everywhere in Asia outside Japan. There are Buddhas from China and Gandhara, stone reliefs from Cambodia, embroidered wall hangings and cloth from India, Iranian and Turkish carpets, Thai and Vietnamese ceramics, and more. Chinese art -- including jade, paintings, calligraphy, and ceramics -- makes up the largest part of the collection, illustrating China's tremendous influence on Japanese art, architecture, and religion. You'll also find Egyptian relics, including a mummy dating from around 751 to 656 B.C. and wooden objects from around 2000 B.C. Note: The Toyokan is closed for renovation until 2012. Until its reopening, selections from the collection are on display at the Hyokeikan, built on the museum grounds in 1909 to commemorate the marriage of Emperor Taisho.
The Heiseikan Gallery is where you'll find archaeological relics of ancient Japan, including pottery and Haniwa clay burial figurines of the Jomon Period (10,000 B.C.-1000 B.C.) and ornamental, keyhole-shaped tombs from the Yayoi Period (400 B.C.-A.D. 200). The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures (Horyuji Homotsukan) displays priceless Buddhist treasures from the Horyuji Temple in Nara, founded by Prince Shotoku in A.D. 607. Although the building's stark modernity (designed by Taniguchi Yoshio, who also designed the expansion of the New York Museum of Modern Art) seems odd for an exhibition of antiquities, the gallery's low lighting and simple architecture lend dramatic effect to the museum's priceless collection of bronze Buddhist statues, ceremonial Gigaku masks used in ritual dances, lacquerware, and paintings.

Sources           :

Minggu, 03 November 2013

Flower Paradise at Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan

Hitachi Seaside Park, located in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan, next to the Ajigaura Beach, is a flower park and a popular tourist destination. The park covers an area of ​​3.5 hectares and the flowers are amazing all year round. Each season you will find a different variety of flower blossoming over the "Miharashi No Oka", a hill commanding a panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean. The park is particularly famous for blue nemophilas. Nemophilas are annual flowers with transparent blue petals. During spring, more than 4.5 million blue nemophilas bloom all over the park. The blooming period is called “Nemophilia Harmony” and attracts many visitors.

Aside from nemophilas, the park has about a million daffodils blooming amidst the pine trees, about 170 varieties of tulips and many other flowers. Filled with woods, gardens, a mini amusement area and cycling courses sprinkled throughout the park, Hitachi Seaside Park is a must-see for anyone venturing to Japan.

Location        : 605-4, Mawatari Aza Oonuma, Hitachinaka City
Contact         : Hitachi Seaside Park TEL: 029-265-9001
Hours            : 9:30-17.00 (This may change depend on season, weather, etc)
Admission     : Adult (15 years older): 400 JPY
                            Child (Elementary and Junior High School student) : 80 JPY
                            Infant (under 6 years): Free
Closed           : Mondays (Tuesday when Monday is a national holiday)
Parking          : 4,350 cars
Access           : [By car] About 1 kilometers from Hitachi Kaihin Kouen IC  of Kita-Kanto highway.
                              [By Train] 15 minutes from Katsuta station of JR Joban line.

Source  :

Conversation between Tour Guide and Tourist at TMII

I am a tour guide at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) or  Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park. Louis and Harry are tourists from Sydney, Australia. TMII is spacious place, so they asked me to accompany them to go to some interesting places in TMII.

Meta     : Hi.. good morning. Welcome to Indonesia and welcome to Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park or TMII. I am Meta. I am your tour guide. I am going to accompany you to get around in TMII.

Louis      : Hi Miss. I am Louis. Nice to meet you

Harry     : I am Harry. This is the first time we go to TMII, we need your help to go around in here.

Meta      : Hi,,. Nice to meet you too. Oke, that has become my duty. Are you ready to go around in TMII?

Louis & Harry : Yes, I am ready.

Meta      : Oke. Lets start our tour. Please don't be hesitate to ask me if  you wanna ask anything that isn't clear.

We walked to go our first destination. It is venues of Indonesian provinces.

Meta     : Okay. Firstly, we will go to venues of Indonesian provinces. Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park or TMII built in 1972 and inaugurated on 20 April 1975. The idea of presenting Indonesia in a small scale was conceived by former Indonesian first ladySiti Hartinah, better known as Tien Suharto. TMII is a summary of the Indonesian culture, which includes various aspects of daily life of the people of Indonesia's 33 provinces that are displayed in the pavilion area.

Louis      : Great! It means we don’t need to visit every city in Indonesia. In TMII, we has had a description about Indonesian culture.

Meta     : You are right, Louis. In TMII is also available miniature of the National Monument in Jakarta, Borobudur temple in Yogyakarta, museums and places of worship.  Besides that, in TMII you can get recreation facilities, such as aeromovel train that move with wind power, 4D theater , SnowBay waterpark swimming pool, Keong Emas (Golden Snail) Imax Theater and so on.

In venues of Indonesian provinces, they took many photos. All of traditional houses that Louis and Harry had visited. It made them so tired. However, they were looked very interested in custom home building and culture of Indonesia.

Meta     : Louis, Harry, we have visited all of the traditional houses of Indonesia's provinces. Are you still  able to proceed to the next our destination? or you will take a break for lunch?

Harry     : I think we will take a break first, because i feel tired enough.

Suddenly, Louis diverted our conversation. Apparently, he was curious about a building that the location was not far from where we stopped.

Louis   : Harry, look! What is that? It is like Sydney Opera House, isn’t it? (while appointing toward   Keong Mas Imax theater)

Harry     : It is so different, Louis. The building looks like a snail body.

Meta     : Yes Louis. The building looks like Syney Opera House. It is Keong Mas (Golden Snail) Imax Theater. Indonesian people call it ‘Keong Mas theater’, because the shape looks like a golden snail body. At Keong Mas theater, we can watch a movie.

Harry     : What do you mean it is like a cinema? That’s cool! Lets go there now! I will watch THOR movie.

Meta     : No Harry, Some films that are showed about the story of Indonesian culture, such The Beauty of Indonesia I, The Beauty of Indonesia II (Indonesia's Children), The Beauty of Indonesia III (String Manikam of Indonesia on the Equator), and The Beauty of Indonesia IV (I'm Proud to Be Indonesian). Only a few foreign movies are aired and they are old movies, for example Harry Potter and Final Destination. Golden Snail Imax theater is different from other cinema commonly.

Louis        : Hmm, I see. It means only some of import movies and Indonesian culture movie,  isn’t it?

Meta        : That’s right. However, the Keong Mas Imax Theater is able to upgrade a system and show IMAX DMR film ( Digital Re - Mastering ) at the same time. IMAX DMR is the revolutionary technology that allows the transfer of an action movie in the format of 35 mm to 70 mm IMAX EXPERIENCE.

Harry       : Wow, great. If the Keong Mas theater shows the newest movie, I can imagine how a wonderful that.

Louis        : Never mind. Lets go to try it, Harry. It doesn’t matter if we watch Indonesian culture film. I am curious.

Harry       : Okay Louis. I think it will be exciting. Ms Meta, lets go there now. We are still able to continue the next our destination.

Meta        : Hehe, okay. It is 10.45 am. The second round of the movie will begin at 11 am. To get rid of your curiosity, we will watch the movie first.

Louis        : Yeah, that’s good. Lets go!

We walked to go to Keong Mas theater. As a tour guide, along the way to the theater, I explained a little history of Keong Emas Imax Theater.

Meta    : Keong Emas Imax Theater was established on the initiative of Tien Soeharto, and began operation on April 20, 1984. It is intended as a recreation facility that educates to introduce the natural and cultural wealth of the nation through a movie (audio-visual) giant screen that use sophisticated technology Projector IMAX cinematography modem by turning the movie "The Beauty of Indonesia".

Harry   : Wow, I think it will be exciting.

We arrived at the theater and bought two tickets.

Meta   : Louis, Harry, sorry i can’t join with you to watch the movie. I am going to pray. When you finished watching the movie, you can go to lunch. There are some cafes around here. This is my phone number. You can contact me if you are ready to continue our next destinations.

Louis   : Okay. I will contact you later. We still need your help to visit some places in here.

Several hours later, Harry called me. I came back  to accompany them again. We went to the museums, technological centre, religious buildings, saw the miniature of Indonesian archipelago on central lake and the miniature of Borobudur.

Meta     : Okay. We finished to visit some places in TMII. I hope you were happy and satisfied.  
               Although I knew, you feel very tired exactly.

Louis     : Yes Miss. I feel so tired, but I am glad.

Harry    : I am glad too, Louis. It will be valuable experience for me. Thanks for your help, Ms Meta.

Meta     You are welcome. I am happy to be your tour guide. Save my phone number, please. You can call me if one day you miss Indonesia and  TMII exactly. I will be ready to accompany you again.

Louis    : Hmm, of course.

Meta    : Okay, see you. Enjoy your holiday in Indonesia!

Harry   : Thank you Miss. See you
